27 May 2015

Ibook creation

Today we had our first group finish creating their Ibook.  This has been a great learning experience for these children.  They have had to record, listen to themselves, and then insert it onto the right page.  This involved a huge amount of discussing their reading, and how to improve it as they went.  So WELL DONE STELLA AND SAMANTHA for all your hard work.

Their WALT was to read with fluency and expression.  As you can hear as the story progresses their fluency and expression gets better and better.

PS:  I have uploaded it as a video to UTUBE so you can all access it, but on our Ipad in class we can still turn the pages, and read it just like a normal book!


  1. Well done Samantha and Stella for reading with fluency and expression.

  2. I had the pleasure of viewing Stella and Samantha's Ibook yesterday - it was great. They read with lots of expression and fluency.

  3. Saphera - "Thank you for sharing your fantastic reading!"
