31 August 2015

Our Assembly

This week it was our assembly.  The children were very excited about this and decided they wanted to share their cat in the hat stories and art work.  So this became the theme of our assembly.  They made hats to wear, recorded the music for their song, practised a dance to go with it, and reading a portion of the story 'The cat in the hat'.

Thank you all the parents who came in to watch the children present their assembly, and especially to Tracy and Michelle who came in right at the end of lunch to help put the finishing touches on our kids.

Below is a video of the highlights of the assembly, for those who could not make it to see the actual assembly.  Also look at the children's individual blogs for view a close up picture, taken just before the assembly.  I hope you enjoy.


  1. Room 4, your assembly was wonderful. I thought that your Cat in the Hat theme was great (and I loved your hats) - and I thought that Jo was very clever with her choice of slides for the HEARTWISE show.

  2. Louise Hansen31 August, 2015

    Room 4, You guys rock! I loved your cat in the hat costumes and you all spoke so well!
    Great job guys!
